Routine maintenance doesn’t just help your ATV to perform as well as possible. It also ensures that your quad will continue to function for years to come. If you need some tips on how to extend your ATV’s operational lifespan, this guide from Virgil Naff’s has all the details you need. 

Change the Oil and Coolant

Engine oil allows the moving parts in your ATV’s engine to glide against each other rather than damage each other. Coolant, meanwhile, helps to maintain internal temperature and prevent overheating. Keeping an eye on both and replacing them as needed will minimize engine strain and help your ATV to last longer. 

Clean Your ATV Regularly

Dirt and grime don’t just look bad, they encourage corrosion and can clog up your quad’s engine. Even something as simple as cleaning your ATV once a month can help it to last longer. 

Check the CV Belt

Many, though not all, modern ATV models utilize a CV belt transmission. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to discern with the naked eye how close a CV belt is to snapping. Be on the lookout for performance issues and a burning rubber smell whenever you ride your ATV. If you notice anything, have a professional take a look at your quad. 

Treat Your Fuel

Fuel left unused in your ATV’s tank will start to break down and clog your fuel lines. If you plan to store your ATV for an extended period of time, either empty the tank or add fuel stabilizer. 

Ride Wisely

Know your ATV’s limits and ride cautiously. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy yourself and occasionally push your machine. Just know that aggressive braking and accelerating is bad for your vehicle and should be kept to a minimum. 

Shop ATVs at Virgil Naff’s in Lynchburg, Virginia. We’re proud to serve communities like Roanoke and Charlottesville, Virginia. We also offer financing, parts ordering, promotions, and servicing.