Utility terrain vehicles, also known as UTVs or side-by-sides, are capable of taking on several passengers at once. While you may be used to bringing along human passengers - don’t forget about your four-legged friends! You can easily bring your dog for the ride, once you learn some important practices for keeping them happy and safe, while on your UTV. 

Here are a few key tips for riding your UTV, with your pup! 


One important rule to abide by, when riding with your dog, is keeping them secure in your vehicle. Allowing your dog to wander while your UTV is in motion can be very dangerous if your vehicle takes a sharp turn or you hit a road bump. Additionally, your pet may prove to be a distraction, which can cause an accident. 

Place your dog in a crate and secure it within the UTV cargo bay. This will ensure they remain safe and stabilized, throughout your trip. In cold weather conditions, consider putting a cover on the crate or blankets inside it, to keep your dog warm. And on a hot day, make sure to provide your dog with proper ventilation!


Your dog may struggle with being crated for the first time, so it’s important to get them used to the idea before you embark on your next adventure. Try to play with them near the crate and put treats or toys inside it to help them create a positive association. Before your first big journey, take your dog on short side-by-side rides through your neighborhood, to help them acclimate to the riding experience, at their own pace! 


In addition to your usual set of UTV supplies, you will also need to bring along some pet-friendly items to keep your dog happy and comfortable, while out riding. Make sure to pack a collapsible water bowl with plenty of fresh water, as well as plenty of food for the day. 

If you plan on going for a walk through tough terrain, consider bringing booties for your dog’s paws, to protect them against any rough conditions. Lastly, remember to bring a brush to sweep off any stickers and burrs, when you are done adventuring! 

Ready to explore with your pup? Buy your UTV at Virgil Naff’s, located in Lynchburg, Virginia. We also proudly serve Roanoke, Charlottesville, and surrounding areas.